Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Life is Short

Talked with an old friend of mine today from Montana and all she could do was complain about what life had given her. She was not making the money she wanted to make, but was well off enough not to really have to bitch and she was not married to the perfect guy, of course, he was a good guy, but not the hunk she had always visualized marrying. When I got off the phone with her and after thanking the Lord I was not that petty, I began to think how lucky we are to be where we are.
I mean none of us have the perfect life, and no marriage is perfect, hell, no relationship is perfect. No one is perfect, no matter how much D and D thinks he is....Life is not perfect, but it is way too short thinking about what we don't have and not thanking our Creator for what we do.
I have good friends, a good family, and a very good life. It has its ups and downs, but don't all of us. It is the trials that we go through that make us who we are. It is the struggles that make us stronger and through those struggles we emerge triumphant because we have learned to lean a little more on God and a little less on ourselves. We also learn that we are stronger together than alone.
So the next time you begin looking at all you do not have, remember how short life is and start counting your blessings. You would be amazed at just how many you have right now. Later, my Friends!!!

1 comment:

Dracon said...

our next confirmed show is Oct. 13th at 68th &'s on our Myspace.