Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Happy 2sday!!!

Well, I hope everyone is having a good day. I am. Bioshock came out today for all of you gamers out there and movie lovers, the collector's edition of Serenity came out, too. If you have not yet seen that movie, shame on you and you are no longer my friend...just kidding!! But you should see that movie and watch the series Firefly. Very good stuff!! Also, does anyone else here want to see Stardust? I thought about setting something up for next weekend, which would be labor day weekend. Let me know who might be on board for that. Later gators and hippos... :)


Redneck's Wife said...

I'll see Stardust. I think the next Round table movie should be WAR with Jet Li. That looks kickass.

Chesh said...

I want to see War too. We willhave to make plans to see that definitely. :)