Saturday, August 18, 2007

What is the Deal?!

It has come to my attention, especially lately since a few of my closest friends has been sorely hurt, that the word 'christian' has become almost as bad as the word 'Satanist'. What the heck is up with us atacking our own. I mean is it not bad enough that the world gets its jabs in, now we have to tear apart what's left. Are we not the body of Christ and are suppose to be there for each other when the world is coming at us with all its weapons and traps.
What does this word friend mean anyway? Is it just something to label another for the sole purpose of getting close only to tear them done when they really need you? We have all these labels and none of them mean anything save to give the other the right to call you it in a swear like content...oh, she is a 'christian' or I did it for your own good because I am your 'friend.' Thanks, but no thanks!
A true friend is there for you when ou need them and even when you don't. They are the ones you can laugh with, cry with, and never be judged by. Above all, they accept you for you, in every way, shape, and form plus are willing to tease you when it is needed and let you rant when you need to. Friends are the people who know you and still love you even when everyone else does not, but above all, friends are the ones who stick with you even when the world turns its back. That is what Jesus is and it is what being a christian is all about. So, to end this on a good note, I am blessed to have the friends I have.


Redneck's Wife said...

I think the word Christian is used to often and as the world becomes more violent and ungodly “Christians” are taking it upon themselves to judge, prosecute and dismiss whoever they please. Just because you believe in god does not make you a god. As children of god we need to stand together and support one another not cast stones. With that said, a true friend is doing god's will. A true friend will never judge, lie to or hurt their friends. You may not always agree with what they do or say but you are always there for them. When a major event occurs or tragedy happens that is when your friends will come forward and show their true colors. Being part of “the gang” just doesn't mean having fun, it means you have a group of true friends willing to stand by you no matter what the problem or situation. We may be a colorful group, but you can always be yourself and know that you will never be judged or cast away.
Love you guys,

Chesh said...

Totally agree :) love you,too.

gothhippo said...
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Chesh said...

Kung Fu C says I love you, Man!