Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Just to Bitch

Hey, it's Mouth. I wanted to bitch about one of our banned people, or commonly known as Drunk and Disorderly. Do you know that creep got on MY computer and downloaded porn?! What in the F does he think he is? Can you say I want to kill him dead?! I mean, can't he do that at home or is he afraid he will ruin his perfect image if his mother finds out. I HATE HATE HATE the way he treats me and my friends. The little jerk even came on to Arwen, not that we could blame him.... love you, SIS. Anyway,I just thought I would complain a bit. I needed it.


Redneck's Wife said...

I am the first to defend "Drunk and Disorderly," but after the way he acted Saturday night and the porn he needs to grow up a little more ( or we need to drink more when he is around). I love him I do, But COME ON MAN!!!

gothhippo said...
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Redneck's Wife said...

Girls Gone Wild - Free video trial. All I have to say is It wasn't me!!! :)