Monday, September 3, 2007

War Is Bad

Well, my fine fellow friends, War sucked horribly. None of us liked it that went so if you were planning on going, wait for Shoot'em Up! On another note, dinner was fun and we all enjoyed ourselves.

Also over the weekend, we went and saw Sonic and Kitty. They are both doing well, though I think they are ready for Sonic to be back on his feet full time. I can imagine how it must be not to have someone to help around the house while Sonic is laid up. Our thoughts and helping hands go out to you, Kitty.

Well,I was thinking maybe a movie and dinner agin next week, but you all can let me know what you think and Sonic and Kitty, we miss you all being with us. :)


Redneck's Wife said...

I can't next weekend. My babysitter off on Saturday, but has to go in early on Sunday. If you guys come back to your house after the movie I could come over then.

Redneck's Wife said...

Gothhippo- don't let them tease you. You did nothing too crazy,:) You were just funny.

Chesh said...

Not sure what is going on anyway. We may just meet here and watch something here. We might just watch Disturbia at my house. :)

Redneck's Wife said...

Cool - Disturbia was really good. If we all meet at your house we should all pitch in for pizza and beer.

Redneck's Wife said...

Hey Mouth,
Why the rainbow claw? It's alittle scary :)jk
Hope you feel better even though you made me sick too!!!!!

Chesh said...

That sounds good.