Saturday, September 22, 2007

Judge lest you be judged....

I hate HATE HATE people who judge others....and that is why I began this group. We judge not, ask not, and wonder not....we care little of your past and only are concerned with the present and help you with your future. We are to be friends, not judge, advocate, and jury. We are to stand by you while others tell you you're a "Sinner" and condemn you. "Whoever is without sin...cast the first stone." I have no stone and I will cast not in any direction and I feel that you all should feel the same way. We all have a past, not all have been through what others have, but we all have a past and in it, are things we would like to forget. It is not our place to judge them and it is also not our place to label them.

Are you a soup can or a human?! Stop labeling and start loving people for who they bloody well are and not what they have done in the past or how they dress. That is why this group rocks..we have a bit of members, singles, moms, wives, husbands.....but most of all, we have friends and THAT is what is important. THAT is what really matters.

I would lay down my life to make sure each and every one of you were safe and my reputation is built around my friends. Without you, my family, and God, I have no life...(That is not in that order, by the way, but you get the point.) As I said in the lower post, I love all of you very much and I am so proud of what you all did for Arwen. You all stepped up and defended her and made her realize we had her back. We do have her back and everyone else's. You all rule...I have friends and it has been a long time coming. You all just freaking rock. :) THANKS!!!!

1 comment:

Redneck's Wife said...

Those who cast stones should not live in freakin glass houses.