I almost forgot, no comments here on the size or lack there of my brain. Anyhoo, we have two new members to add to the ranks or mug shots depending on what state we are in....
First up is So Co, named for his love of Southern Comfort and Coke. He is an aspiring actor, having worked in many independent films and several plays around the Green Country area. He is a bunch of fun and hopefully, will not be run off by the evil space monkeys that seem to join us in our meetings. (Arwen, I told you to leave them at home!!) Anyway....
Next we have his wonderful wife, Teddy Bear, named because she's just cute and very sweet. She has worked as a Stage manager and been a teacher of our future generation. She is funny and loves to play games and watch movies. Great edition to the group.
So give it up for these fun new faces and make sure you be nice, or you'll deal with me. Yes, I know not much of a threat, but I could always sing. (and I hear the screams of agony now.)
This is me, Mouth, signing off and we will see ya on that good old flip side.....
Later, my Gators